Don't be fooled by all our beautiful outdoor adventures, SWEBOP instructors work hard in the office as well. Well, we're in the office a lot. We don't necessarily always work hard. Togetherness usually means a good story is ahead. Here's a selection of pictures from around the office this semester.
KM pranks AB while trying to boulder.

Three of the instructors pose for a picture at Sweet Briar's homecoming in September

General mayhem in the office as AB and I take pictures on the office Mac and Bearslayer (as she's affectionately called) boulders while we're all waiting to start a pre-trip meeting.

The instructors love being subscribed to Rock and Ice and Climbing magazines...because we love to cut out the pictures.

MK rocks a few pieces from the SWEBOP gear room. VL, though not in the head-to-toe long underwear, is still looking good in her SWBEOP shirt.

This job is exhausting. This picture is not at all staged; during a wilderness medicine training we all laid down to nap before resuming our scheduled activities.
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