Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Under Construction

Welcome to the new Swebop Blog page. This is an attempt to create a space where past and potential participants on Swebop trips may comment on trips, share photo's and stories or simply learn what Swebop is all about. This site is currently under construction but will hopefully be up and running in the near future. Please direct any questions or concerns to swebop@sbc.edu. Thank you for your visit.

Sara Rothamel 09'
Swebop Staff

Gear Rental

Swebop offers students rental gear at dirt cheap prices for both on and off campus use. From tents to climbing shoes we have what you need to start your own adventure. For a list of daily rates please visit the address provided below. If you have any questions or concerns please contact swebop@sbc.edu.


Spring 2009 Trip Schedule

Coming soon to a computer near you...