What'd up?!! Rach here. Bwhaha yes they gave me the password ;0). So its been a little while since the last time some one updated this so here I am. Hi! We've hit a slight "dry spell" aka we have a few weeks were there are no trips taking place. Have NO fear though!!!!! Once spring break is done with, we get back into the swing of things again. What do you have to look forward to you ask? I'll list them for you :0)
-Outing Cabin Certification
-Body Image Trip
-Fly Fishing
-Night hike with s'mores (mhmmmm)
- Horseback Riding/Camping!!
We just finished up the ski/ snowboarding trips sadly but they all went really well. All the participants had a great time and the instructors survived five Friday nights, so all is well. These trips we're a lot of fun and I think every participant and instructor is able to walk away form it with a funny memory. Just ask Keri the next time you stop by the SWEBOP office and she is in. Either that, or next time I update I'll fill you guys in with a story.
Speaking of which, office hours can be a busy time BUT we HEART visitors... they keep us just distracted enough so that we aren't mischievous in our office hours. Well, scratch that, we won't be AS mischievous as we could be. We won't be reaching out full potential ;0). Also about that, come swing by the office and see all random drawings, notes and pictures we have around. I guarantee they'll bring some sort of smile to your face!!
Well, I'm almost done with my office hours so until next week I'll catch you cool cats later. and oh-yes, this will become a weekly thing :0) bwhaha
aka Instructor
aka Co-Advertising Coordinator
aka the coolest Yankee you'll meet ;0)
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